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Saved by PBworks
on January 11, 2006 at 3:56:42 pm

Latest News

I'd like to thank everyone whose emailed me since the story hit the news.


Please do keep sending your comments.


Sue a Spammer

It's been suggested to me by one or two correspondents, that even with a D-I-Y kit people might feel a little unsure about doing this themselve, so the idea has been floated to set up a support group, on non-profit lines to give practical help to people who might need it, as well as publishing sample letters, claim forms etc.



BBC National Television

Watchdog are featuring the case on their national TV program tonight. BBC 1, at 7.30 p.m.


Medial Logistics (UK) had agreed to appear, I was told by the researcher. But a couple of days later I was told they'd backed out. There will be a representative from the Direct Marketing Association instead.


Your emails

A couple of days ago, I was starting to get to the bottom of the list of people to reply, but the mail has picked up once again. I expect it to pick up even more after 'Watchdog'.


If you sent me email more than a week ago, and you haven't a personal response, please don't hesitate to drop me another line as your email might not have been delivered, or I might have overlooked it in all the mail. If you've emailed me within the last week or so, please bear with me, I do intend to get to back to all you with a personal response..


When emailing me, please state whether or not you'd like to be kept in touch with developments by email. Pretty obviously, I won't be able to email you and/or keep you informed with interesting news or updates etc. unless I do have your explicit permission (a.k.a. "informed consent")!


And please don't hesitate to get in touch. Nigel

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