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Saved by PBworks
on January 6, 2006 at 4:10:27 pm

"Safeguards should be provided for subscribers against intrusion of their privacy by unsolicited communications for direct marketing purposes in particular by means of automated calling machine, telefaxes and email, including SMS messages. These forms of unsolicited commercial communications may on the one hand be relatively cheap and easy to send and on the other may impose a burden and/or cost on the recipient. Moreover, in some cases their volume may also cause difficulties for electronic communications networks and terminal equipment. For such forms of unsolicited communications for direct marketing, it is justified to require that prior explicit consent of the recipients is obtained before such communications are addressed to them."

Directive 2002/58/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of 12th July 2002

See the cheque actual size
Keep scrolling down the page for much more information
  • Contact the author
  • Learn more about how I used the European anti-spam law in an English court and ended up with an agreed payment of £300 from an email marketing company who sent me unsolicited emails about contract car hire and their "fax broadcasting" service. (Last updated 30/12/05)


  • Find out how you can fight back against spam and claim compensation from senders of unsolicited email. (Last update:28/12/05).


Latest (UPDATED Friday 6th January)

I'd like to thank everyone whose emailed me in the past few days. Do keep sending your comments. I was starting to get to the bottom of the list of people to reply to, but the mail has picked up again. If you sent me email more than a week ago, and you haven't a personal response, please drop me another line as your email might not have been delivered, or I might have overlooked it. If you've emailed me in the last 2-3 days, please bear with me, I will get back to you.


If you do write, please state whether or not you'd like to be kept in touch with developments by email. Pretty obviously, I won't be able to email you with interesting news or updates etc. unless I do have your permission!


As a result of your emails, some very interesting and new ideas to combat spam have emerged which I think are very worth developing further, and I expect to make a major announcment in the next week or two. So please keep checking back .. as you can see the site is developing daily. And please don't hesitate to get in touch. Nigel


Thank yous

A big thank you is owed to D L Legal LLP (Internet and IP Lawyers, London) and to

The Spamhaus Project.



Useful and interesting links

Spam Laws around the world

European Law in the UK

Edinburgh Law School commentary

Guernsey and Jersey domain names (0% spam tolerance)

Scottish Law Society commentary

Lexis Nexis

Please note

This site is about the recently settled Claim in the English County Court between Nigel Roberts and an English email and fax marketing company Medial Logistics (UK) Limited with offices in Falkirk, Scotland. It should be noted that that Media Logistics GmbH (a German design company of note) appears to have nothing to do with the UK company. (They are at an address in the .COM domain,whereas the Scottish email marketing company's website address ends in '.NET').


Media coverage of Roberts -v- Media Logistics (UK) Ltd


This section continues to grow and will be moving to its own page shortly. Google seems to have had a brainstorm .. yesterday it showed just under 1000 hits.. today it's showing 13,000! Check here for the latest]



BBC News

ITN News

Channel 4

The Times

The Guardian

The Independent

Daily Mirror

The Sun

The Scotsman

Glasgow Herald

Daily Record

East Anglian Daily Times

Manchester Evening News

Evening Times

New Zealand Herald


UK and European online media


The Register (Kieren Mccarthy)

The Register (John Leyden)

The European Movement

Press Association newswire

Top Tech News

Benjamin Cohen's column in Times Online





Webfactor Nieuwsblad


Web Wereld



In other languages

digitoday.fi (Suomi/Finnish)

La Vanguardia (Spanish)

Security Net (Polish)

Hungarian Interior Ministry (Hungarian)

bug.hr (Croatian)

DN Kiev (Ukrainian)

Rambler Media Group (Russian)



A different slant on the story

Marketing Improvement


World coverage


CIO Today (USA)

Real Tech News (USA)

Newkerala (India)

Techtree (India)

stuff.co.nz (New Zealand)

The Missing Amendment (USA)




Bit Tech


El Universal (Mexico)

24 Horas Libre (Peru)

mouse.cl (Chile)



Consuming Experience


Other cases of note

Virgin Net Ltd -v- Adrian Paris

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